Hey there friends! Well this week was a great one. One night this week
there was a 5.5 earthquake! I woke up for about 5 seconds and then fell back
asleep haha. Theres lots of little earthquakes here, just like at home, so I was
already used to it. But this one was definitely bigger than normal! We're all
safe so no need to worry! The weather is getting warmer here which I'm happy
about! It makes waking up in the morning a whole lot easier!
We had the privilege as a mission to hear from Elder Renlund, from the
quorum of the 12 apostles on Saturday and Elder Clayton, the president of the
70, on Sunday. WOW was is super edifying. Elder Renlund talked to us about
aligning ourselves with the will of God. What was super neat is that this is
something that Ive been thinking a lot about lately. I think a couple weeks ago
in my letter home I talked about this! He shared a scripture in the Book of
Mormon that I love, Mosiah 15:7
Yea, even so he shall be led, crucified, and slain, theflesh becoming subject even unto death, the will of the Sonbeing swallowed up in the will of the Father.
This scripture is talking about Jesus Christ and his Atonement. He
performed his great sacrifice to fulfill the will of the Father. We follow the
example of Jesus Christ in lots of things, this being one of them. We have to
align our will with the will of our Heavenly Father. He knows us so much better
than we know ourselves, He knows what is best for us. Submit to his will, and
you will be happy. We also had the privilege of hearing from his wife, Sister
Renlund. She told us that her and her husband served for the church in the
Southern Africa area. She said they were always in and out of airports, but in
one closer to their home there was a phrase that stuck with her. It says ¨If you
want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.¨ She then
explained part of the doctrine of the church, that families can be together
forever. Thanks to the temples that we have on the earth today, the priesthood,
and the sealing power that was restored by the prophet Elijah, families can be
sealed together for time and all eternity. I love my family so much, and I'm so
grateful that we can be together after this life.
I can't express to you all how grateful I am for the knowledge I have of
the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know with my whole heart that it's true.
Cuídense mucho
Hermana Celardo
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