well well well here I am living in Arequipa speaking Spanish
everyday and my comp is my best friend and we have progressing investigators!
Life is so good! I couldn't ask for anything better! Me and Hermana Kunz are
having the best time and we work really great together. The very first lesson we
taught, everything just flowed and the Spirit was so strong and we support each
other in everything and it's amazing! We're so excited for the time that we'll
have together! We realized this week that we're going to be together for
Halloween (Happy halloween by the way!), our one year mark in the mission (which
honestly we cannot believe), Thanksgiving, Hermana Kunz's birthday (dec 7),
Christmas (yes we're already listening to Christmas music), and new years! But
the most important part of this is that we work super well together and the way
that we teach is easy to understand for all the people we teach. And we're going
to have a baptism this Saturday! Our investigator Fernando is getting baptized.
Pray for him! He was supposed to get baptized back in March but he backed out
last minute so we hope that doesn't happen again (: But he's so prepared and
converted so we have faith it's going to happen.
Today hermana Kunz and I are going to this super Arequipeña restaurant with
our elder friends from the area right next to us. And then after we're going to
a church to play sports with our whole zone. This week Hermana Kunz and I made
pancakes from scratch for our district meeting and they were pretty good! They
tasted like home haha. This week was also our leadership conference! We had
really great food and talked about what we can do to better the mission, and
this tuesday we'll have a zone conference to transmit all the information to our
zone. The zone leaders and us as sister leaders will be speaking. Hermana Kunz
and I have some great plans so I'll update you all on that this next week (: We
had an activity Saturday with our ward! Another dessert night..haha heres a tip
if you want people to come to your parties you just have to have food and they
will come. We had a really great turn out! Hermana Kunz and I always talk with
the couple that we live with. They're the owners of the house and they're older
and the husband is the patriarch of the stake. I've talked about him before in
one of my other emails but honestly he's like a walking book! He knows sooo
much! We talk to him as much as we can because we learn something new about the
doctine of the church every talk we talk to him. I'm super grateful for being
able to live with him because it's taught me a lot about the importance of
studying. We HAVE to learn as much as we can in this life. My testimony has
grown so much about scripture study in my time here!
I love the mission SO much. I honestly don't know where I'd be if I never
made the decision to come. I can't imagine my life without it. I have learned so
much in my time here and I can't wait to see what these next couple have in
store for me. It's my testimony that the gospel of Jesus Christ changes lives,
it has changed mine. We have to APPLY what we learn to be able to receive the
blessings that God has prepared for us. Like the scripture says, faith without
works is dead. Act in faith everyday and I promise you, you will see miracles. I
know with my whole heart that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is
true. It is the same church that Jesus himself established on Earth when he was
here 2000 years ago. The work that I'm doing here in Peru is true. It is the
work of the Lord. I know that God and Jesus Christ LIVE.
Make it a great week (:
Hermana Celardo