Hello everyone! Well, Im writing you from a new area. I got
transferred to Arequipa! Im in a ward called Las Torres in the stake Selva
Alegre. Its right near the volcano, Misti. Im also training! Which means my
companion is new to the mission so I have to show her the ropes. My companions
name is Hermana Estela! Shes from Chiclayo and shes awesome! She came pretrained
to the mission, she already knows so much! Its almost like shes the one training
me haha. We are opening the area that we are in, or in missionary terms its a
"whitewash". Training an opening an area isnt easy, but im up for the challenge.
I know that the Lord knows I can do it! But Arequipa is beautiful! There are
three volcanos in Arequipa, right now we are closest to Misti, but we can see
the other two, Chachani and Pichu Pichu from here. We spent this last week
getting to know the members here and getting to know the area! The members here
are super supportive and are helping us a ton. The weather here is super weird..
There is sun during the day and when youre in the sun its super hot, but in the
shade its super cold. And our room is literally like antarctica because the sun
doesnt make it through out window haha. And at night its freezing! Today for
Pday our zone is going to have a bbq! Im super excited because I havent had bbq
in almost 8 months! And im also really excited to meet other missionaries! This
week we get a new mission president! His name is President Johnson and hes from
Utah. Im really excited to meet him and his wife! Im excited to see what they
have planned for the future of the Peru Arequipa Mission!
My companion and I had a really awesome experience teaching a lesson this
week. We had just met this family who is less active in the church and they
completely opened up to us and we were able to teach to their needs and help
them out. Its moments like this that really strengthen my testimony that I truly
am doing the work of the Lord. Every week I am more and more grateful to be
here. I am learning so much, I wouldnt trade this experience for anything. And I
cant believe I almost have 8 months in my mission, time is passing by so
Anyways, I dont have much time so thats all for this week!
Hermana Celardo