Hey there world! I hope all is well in the US of A. There´s lots of
good things happening here in Peru!
So we had transfers, and I had to say goodbye to my companion, Hermana
Alvarez. She was my trainer! She was such a great companion. I will miss her! My
new companion is from Argentina and Im going to pick her up after Im done on the
computer! Im super excited to meet her! She has the same amount of time as me on
the mission.
On Saturday we had a baptism! A little boy named Fabian. His dad is a
member but his mom is not. We have been teaching him and preparing him for
baptism for the last couple months. His baptism was awesome and he even shared
his testimony afterwards and told everyone he wants to serve a mission one
The weather here is still really hot.. I´m hoping it will get cooler soon.
The winter months here are June and July so keep your fingers crossed! This has
been an endless summer for me haha.
Something that Ive been thinking about this past week is patience.
Definitely something Ive learned a lot about on the mission haha. I gave a talk
yesterday in church on patience..and it was all in Spanish of course! In the
beginning it was really hard because I couldnt understand anything that anyone
was saying to me and I felt like I couldnt help them or teaching anything
because I didnt know their language. This put me in a situation where I had to
be patient with myself. And now, almost 6 months later, I can understand almost
everything! Looking back it was hard, but Im grateful for that because it push
me to become better and I had no other choice but to stay positive and endure
though it. And I came out of it so much stronger and Ive learned so much! It
reminds me of the trials we have in our lives. I know we´re all different and
have different trials, but I also know that God is never going to give us a
trial that we cant overcome. He knows us so personally and perfectly. He knows
what we can handle. I know that God has a plan for each and every one of us. And
I know that all of our plans started in the same place; in the presence of our
Heavenly Father. And our plans are going to end in the same place too; in His
presence. We all start and end in the same place, what happens in this life is
literally so small compared to the scheme of eternity. So when those trials do
come, we have to remember where we came from and where we´re going. We have to
keep an eternal perspective. Alma 34:41 says that one day we will rest from all
of our afflictions. I know with my whole heart that that´s true. Sooo keep on
keepin´ on and stay patient!
I love you all!
Hermana Celardo